The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

May 13 - 16, 1991


Monday, May 13, 1991


A nice sunny day, sun coming up when I got up this morning. Clear and sun coming up was good. I washed, and got vegetables ready for pot roast for supper tonight. Betty, Walt, Betty M and Carmen and Brogan here. The Queen of England is visiting in Washington DC for a few days. Kim and Tom came and got stepladder. They are doing windows on the outside. They did Carmen’s on the outside too.



Tuesday, May 14, 1991


Billie and Jason doing a lot of the work outside. I went to Auburn and Norway would Betty M and H, done some shopping they did. Betty H got a cover for Dorothea’s pool for her helping her to do the cleaning. We called on Betty Smith, also downtown. Carmen worked all night. Awful hard for her. Arnold done the trimming at Betty’s. Billie and Jason set out the flowers in the flower garden.




Wednesday, May 15, 1991


A very nice sunny and mild day. Very pretty. I done regular work, done the ironing and cleaned the screens. Carmen came for a little while. She done the shopping. Betty H and Betty M and Brogan called. Jason came, he and Billie got all the things done Billie wanted him to. Now he will come every week and do regular chores and then start painting the house, some of it. Carmen working a lot now at the hospital. Vacations. Arnold working at Betty’s. Betty had Arnold paint the flagpole, looks nice. Carmen had to work tonight till 11 PM.




Thursday, May 16, 1991


Flowers are blossoming, lilacs and all. It is pretty outside. Betty came and got the supper tonight. Betty M helped her. It has been so hard for them all with me being laid up since Betty M has been here.



Wednesday, October 30, 2024

May 9 - 12, 1991 Mother's Day


Thursday, May 9, 1991


I done regular work. It was nice and sunny when we got up. I didn’t do much. Billie to Dr. Petrone. Carmen took him. Reports are good. Arnold doing a lot of work at Betty’s every day. Made gates, hung them and has them all painted. Today Betty and Kim worked in the flower garden. Carmen took Billie to the doctor. Dorothea took Betty M and Betty S to town shopping then Betty here for supper. Also Vickie Thurston called this evening, had a nice visit with her. Glad she called. Dorothea also here.



Friday, May 10, 1991


Kind of cloudy in a.m. In p.m. the clouds cleared and sun came out. It was nice and very mild. Jason came and he got a lot of chores done. Carmen came and she vacuumed the house. She said she would come tomorrow and do rest of the cleaning. I washed floors and got the supper tonight.




Saturday, May 11, 1991 HORSES


A quite nice day. I done my work. David down for Saturday morning coffee. I came out on the back porch for the day. They brought the horses up into the pasture for the summer. Also Jason came, he and Billie did the fencing and Jason fixed Billie’s truck. Well Zack is in Cape Cod Massachusetts  with the National Guard. They got all the manure hauled out and spread at Betty’s. Had a baked bean supper at  Betty and Walt’s. Spent the afternoon and evening there. Carmen had to work.




Sunday, May 12, 1991


A very nice mild sunny day. Hot. I done regular work, put on my new dress. HOT. had a very nice Mother’s Day. They prepared a very nice chicken barbecue. A beautiful cake and ice cream. A lot of nice gifts, a pretty sweater. Money and 5 pounds of candy. Mother’s Day guests were, Betty S, Walt, Betty, Kim, Tom, Carmen and Brogan. Betty Milne from Arbroath.



Tuesday, October 29, 2024

May 6 - 8, 1991 Nanny Errors


Monday, May 6, 1991


Cloudy all forenoon. In p.m. it rained and rained very hard in p.m. and evening. I done my washing this morning. Carmen called. She and Betty got the supper. We had baked ham, spinach greens and also Carmen made some cookies. Well Dorothea and Betty M went down to Jack and Sylvia’s. They had a very enjoyable afternoon looking at old pictures and records for the genealogy.


A cloudy rainy day. I did the washing, watched shows. Betty and Carmen got the supper. All was here for supper. Dorothea and Betty M went down and call that Jack and Sylvia’s. They had a nice visit. Got some pictures of the Crooks. They were very pleased with them.


Tuesday, May 7, 1991


Well at last the clouds and fog have gone and it is clearing away. David came for coffee. I did my ironing this morning.


I got the work and did my ironing. Betty called and wanted to know if I wanted to go to Norway with she and Betty. I did, they got a few things then we went to see if we can find a birdhouse. Well finally up on the North Norway Road she found a very nice all painted and ready to put up. She bought it. Dorothea called in p.m. A cloudy day.


Wednesday, May 8, 1991 CHICKS CAME


A cloudy day, some sunshine. Walt went to the post office at 6 AM and got the chickens. Also Betty got her new birdhouse put up. We all were there. Betty M, Carmen, Dorothea, Brogan and me. We watched the house rising and to see the new chickens. Also Dorothea, Betty, Carmen helped Arnold to get the new birdhouse ready and erected. I stayed down there until 11 AM. Carmen, Kim and Betty M all went to Portland today. Kim to have a fitting of her wedding gown. I got the supper tonight.



Monday, October 28, 2024

May 3 - 5, 1991


Friday, May 3, 1991


At last sunny, the wind blowing. I done up regular work and washed the kitchen floor. Dorothea came at about 12:30 to ask me if I would like to go up in the mountains with she and Betty M. Went out to Crawford Notch, Franconia Notch, down the Kangamangus highway. A nice ride, but it was a cloudy foggy day most of the way. Dorothea treated us to dinner and ice cream.






Saturday, May 4, 1991


A nice day, on the very cool windy day. David came for coffee, visited a nice long while. Betty M and Brogan came up. Bro here for supper. Italian sandwiches, Betty and Betty and Bro made. I read papers all day. Carmen having a Kentucky Derby supper. Betty W, Betty M, Tom, Charlene and Zack. Walt went to Portland and got Zack at 3:30 and brought him up to the National Guard over to Norway. He will stay over there tonight and Walt will take him back to Portland tomorrow.




Sunday, May 5, 1991


Up to camp all day. This was the second annual cleanup day. They cleaned all up outside. It looks very nice. Bro had BJ up there. She had a good day. It was a nice sunny day. Joy, Betty, Dorothea and Betty M. Walt helped some. Kim came about 3:30, brought sloppy Joe’s. Arnold and Nick came later also Walt got Zack from National Guard. He was there with us for a little while. It was a very nice day. The house looks so nice inside. All painted and cleaned. Betty has worked so hard all spring. Arnold is working for her all the time.



Sunday, October 27, 2024

April 30 - May 2, 1991 Betty Mary Milne Arrives From Scotland


Tuesday, April 30, 1991


Cloudy this morning. I done regular work, did Kassie’s bed. They did the cupboards on breezeway. Betty came up to get milk for Brogan. Carmen home from a bad working last night. David down this morning, he said Dorothea got her cleaning all done. Betty is going all over her house today. Then she and Dorothea will spruce mine tomorrow. Then Carmen will be doing her’s today. All will be ready for Betty M tomorrow night.




Wednesday, May 1, 1991 Betty


A cloudy foggy day started, but finally the sun came out then late in p.m. it got cloudy and foggy again. Earlier this morning Betty and Dorothea came and they gave this house a general cleanup. It looks so nice. I got a few odds and end job done myself. Well Carmen came and she prepared a very nice lunch for tonight. About 3 PM after taking baths etc. we got on and to Portland to meet Betty M at the airport which her plane was late. First we went and met Zack at the place where he works on high street parking lot. It was a very nice site to my eyes. He looks so nice. I love that boy. I pray for him. We got home from the airport and we had that delicious lunch. Also called and saw Fern and David. And all talked and got acquainted. Walt, Tom, Betty Smith and Billie.




Thursday, May 2, 1991


Well it was foggy again this morning. It cleared away and it was a nice warm spring day. I done regular work. Betty H and Betty M came up and made a nice visit. Also Carmen and Bro were here. Betty brought gifts and one thing was a very pretty tablecloth that was given to Mr. and Mrs. Crook by their daughter Peg. She did all the fancy work in it. She gave it to me to be passed amongst this family. I’m very pleased with it. These kids can use it for their 50th wedding anniversaries. As they are grandma and gramp used. I didn’t do much today. Betty came, got the supper. Very good. Walt came, all ate together.