Monday, May 13, 1991
A nice sunny day, sun coming up when I got up this morning. Clear and sun coming up was good. I washed, and got vegetables ready for pot roast for supper tonight. Betty, Walt, Betty M and Carmen and Brogan here. The Queen of England is visiting in Washington DC for a few days. Kim and Tom came and got stepladder. They are doing windows on the outside. They did Carmen’s on the outside too.
Tuesday, May 14, 1991
Billie and Jason doing a lot of the work outside. I went to Auburn and Norway would Betty M and H, done some shopping they did. Betty H got a cover for Dorothea’s pool for her helping her to do the cleaning. We called on Betty Smith, also downtown. Carmen worked all night. Awful hard for her. Arnold done the trimming at Betty’s. Billie and Jason set out the flowers in the flower garden.
Wednesday, May 15, 1991
A very nice sunny and mild day. Very pretty. I done regular work, done the ironing and cleaned the screens. Carmen came for a little while. She done the shopping. Betty H and Betty M and Brogan called. Jason came, he and Billie got all the things done Billie wanted him to. Now he will come every week and do regular chores and then start painting the house, some of it. Carmen working a lot now at the hospital. Vacations. Arnold working at Betty’s. Betty had Arnold paint the flagpole, looks nice. Carmen had to work tonight till 11 PM.
Thursday, May 16, 1991
Flowers are blossoming, lilacs and all. It is pretty outside. Betty came and got the supper tonight. Betty M helped her. It has been so hard for them all with me being laid up since Betty M has been here.