The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Friday, September 30, 2016

January 29 - February 1, 1961

Sunday, January 29, 1961

Still cold. Betty made cookies. Billie not feeling good. Mama up. Oil today. Dot, Kennard, Fern, Dawn and Dolores here. Billie, Betty and I called at Fern and June Stackhouse’s.

Monday, January 30, 1961 Letter from Adair’s

15° below. I washed. Billie didn’t work, he is still sick. Mama came out to the living room this p.m. and watched programs. Got a nice letter from the Adair’s. A year ago tonight was their last night with us. Mike came up today. Betty had supper at his grandmother’s with him and his father. Then in evening they brought her home. They was so glad to see each other.

Michael Boutilier 1961

Tuesday, January 31, 1961

11 below zero this morning. One year ago today Dorothea and Jeffrey left to go to England where Dennis is station. This is been another one of those cold days. It is the 12th day of very cold weather. I got my clothes in. Billie still home sick. In p.m. he and I went down to Fern and Lloyd’s. Bill went back to work after supper. Mama out in living room most all day. Still miss Dorothea and Jeff.

Wednesday, February 1, 1961

A very cold cold day. Only 8° above all day, that was the highest. It went way down in the early evening. I churned. Kennard and Dolores called in the early evening. Betty had another tooth out today also one filled. Lloyd went down and got Betty at school, her teeth and mouth ached so. Billie back to work. Art came up with him at noon.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

January 25 - 28, 1961

Wednesday, January 25, 1961

20° below again this morning. I churned, ironed. Dolores up and done a few things for Mama. Dorothy and Aunt Ava called this p.m. I done some cooking. Betty got a ride home from school with the Briggs. Tonight we watched the presidents first live televised news conference. Pres. Kennedy. It was very interesting.

Thursday, January 26, 1961 William Lloyd Deming four years old

Billie Deming with his dad, Cliff - 1961

20° below this morning. Billie had to go to Portland to testify in court. Kennard went with him. I washed, cleaned up the bedrooms. Washed downstairs bathroom and Mama’s bedroom floor. Kennard called. Kennie and Dot called also Bob and Blanche. It warmed up a little today, not quite so bad tonight.

Friday, January 27, 1960

18° below. Cold again today. I ironed, done up the work. Dolores here in a.m. Mama sat up. Dot Prescott, Aunt Ava called. To town in evening. Betty to town, Linda and sister came home with her in late evening.

Saturday, January 28, 1961

20° below. A nice day except cold. I cooked, done up the work. Linda Berry and sister here all day. I churned. Raymond here for supper. Mama better.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

January 21 - 24, 1961

Saturday, January 21, 1961

15° below this morning. Mama still quite sick. I didn’t do any cooking today. In p.m. Betty and Rowena to town. Bill plowed out the yard in p.m. Had a good old baked beans supper.

Sunday, January 22, 1961

25° below zero this morning. Oh this awful cold. Didn’t get up very early. A lot of company. Dawn and Steve, Kennie, Dot, Fern, Lloyd, Blanche and Kennard.

Monday, January 23, 1961

20° below this morning. I washed. Done some cooking. Lloyd called this morning. It was so cold hanging the clothes out. Mama quite sick.

Tuesday, January 24, 1961

Uncle Os and Lloyd up to see Mama. She is still quite sick. I got some of the clothes in. Rowena went home tonight.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

January 17 - 20, 1961

Tuesday, January 17, 1961

A very nice day. I cooked, made a soup and cooked a pot roast dinner. Busy all day. Lloyd called and Kennard. Linda and Rowena here again tonight. They are getting ready for the midyear exams. Bill and I to town after supper. Bill hurt his hand today I work. I took some cupcakes and soup up to Dolores and Kennard. Dawn called this p.m.

Wednesday, January 18, 1961

A very nice day. I cooked, ironed, done up the work. Rowena and Linda up here tonight. Kennard called. Betty got a letter from Mike. Mama taken sick tonight. Kennie and Dot here at supper time.

Thursday, January 19, 1961

A nice day here. It snowed in Washington DC. A very bad storm. The inauguration is for tomorrow. Mama sick in bed all day. Rowena came home with Betty after school. They went down to Dawn’s, got a ride down. Fern and Lloyd here in p.m. I washed floors upstairs and cleaned up. The kids finished up their midyear exams. I washed. Awful cold.

Friday, January 20, 1961 Inauguration of Kennedy

A bad storm, a blizzard. Today Dr. Nash and I watched the inauguration of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th president. It was very nice. He is 43 years old. I got the clothes in and I ironed in the living room. Mama not too good, still in bed. Betty called me from Dawn’s.

Monday, September 26, 2016

January 13 - 16, 1961

Friday, January 13, 1961

I churned, cleaned up the downstairs. In evening Bill and I to town. Up to Blanche, she cut Bill’s hair. Dr. Bish came up to see Mama for a check up.

Saturday, January 14, 1961

A nice day. I cooked. Called at Fern and Lloyd’s in p.m., Bill and I. In evening Bill Walsh called. Betty to town with Rowena. She came up in p.m. Billie cleaned out the hens. Bill didn’t do much. Snaps came back today.

Sunday, January 15, 1961

A fair day. Not too cold. Kennie, Dot, Lloyd, Blanche and Pat and two kids called. I wrote letters. Had a oyster stew for supper. Betty home all day.

Monday, January 16, 1961 Letter from Adair’s

Today I got a nice letter from the Adair’s with pictures of their Christmas. Very good. Lloyd up in a.m. Dolores sick.