The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Monday, October 31, 2016

May 28 -31, 1961

Sunday, May 28, 1961 Dr. Nash gone

A nice day, cold and windy. Betty and Norma over to Fryeburg. Bill and I over after them. Fern, Lloyd called. Mike got a nice mess of trout today. Dr. Nash left.

Monday, May 29, 1961

Nice in the morning. It clouded up and rained with showers. Betty C, Betty S, Norma Gay, Mike and I all went to Norway with Ned. Didn’t find any dress. I washed in a.m. Clothes got awful wet.

Tuesday, May 30, 1961 Planted

A fair day, but cold with a lot of cloudiness in middle of day. Fern, Lloyd, Blanche, Bob called. In the early a.m. we went to the Cemetery. Betty riding. Mike gone fishing, got two. I got the clothes in, cooked, done up the work. Bill planted garden. After supper Betty, Billie and I took Mike home. Art Ward called. Betty Smith, Norma Gay and Ned left around ten this a.m. for home in Connecticut.

Wednesday, May 31, 1961

Fair, windy, not bad. All back to work and school today. I cleaned my bedroom today. The one Dr. Nash has been using. It seems good to have it back. Kids down for the last assembly rehearsal. It seems odd not having Dr. Nash around. Miss him.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

May 25 - 27, 1961 Horse Issues

Thursday, May 25, 1961 HORSE

A very nice warm day. I cleaned the dark bedroom, bathroom and hallway upstairs. Betty brought her horse home, “Phantom”. She was pleased that it turned to sadness. Billie very unhappy about it. Blanche called. Dr. Nash didn’t go today as he expected to. Today Betty Smith called on the phone. She and Norma Gay are coming tomorrow night.
Billie mad
Bill mad
Betty mad
I feel so sorry.

Friday, May 26, 1961

Clouded up this forenoon. Showers in p.m. Betty home from school at noon. She made a stall for her horse. She bought a bag of grain. Linda and Paul (?) Called. Linda here for supper and all night. I got some dandelions for supper. I churned and cooked. Put the curtains up in Betty’s room. Billie very unhappy tonight. I wish he wasn’t like this. Bill got his first check from the town tonight.

Saturday, May 27, 1961

Rain. Betty and Norma Gay came today. I cooked, etc. Cleared late p.m. Bill down to Gordon’s in p.m. Betty rode the horse in late p.m. In evening Betty and Norma up to Irene’s. Mike came.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

May 21 - 24, 1961 Bill Begins Working for Town of Bridgton

Sunday, May 21, 1961

Another cloudy dreary day. I done up the work. Fern, Lloyd, Kennie, Dot, Dolores, Aunt Ava, Blanche called. Mike and Betty to church. In p.m. Mike, Betty, Kay and Jerry went riding (horses).

Monday, May 22, 1961

Mike went home this a.m. Partly cloudy. I washed, late about getting it to going. In p.m. I went to Portland with Blanche, got a chair cover for Mama. Also a pad for her mattress. Betty riding horses tonight, she and Kay. Billie back to work after his weeks vacation. Bill began to work for the Town of Bridgton today.

Tuesday, May 23, 1961

Today after got my work done I cleaned Betty’s room. Mike and friends called. Mike brought Betty a horse saddle. Linda here tonight.

Wednesday, May 24, 1961

I cleaned the living room today. A nice sunny day. I cooked some. Billie got his veal calf tonight. A black Hereford. Nice calf.

Friday, October 28, 2016

May 17 - 20, 1961

Wednesday, May 17, 1961

A nice day, on the cold and windy side. Billie and lamb still fencing. I cleaned dining room and most of the kitchen done. Kennard still sick.

Thursday, May 18, 1961

A cold day. Partly cloudy. I washed and the clothes got dried. I got them in and did the ironing after supper. Billie finished his fencing. Fixed his pig pen. Cleaned his car. He and Kennie went up to Rangeley smelting tonight. Bill down to Dr. Taylor and Gordon’s and Jeans. Betty home from school early. The BHS Corona came today, very good. I finished up the kitchen today. Art Ward called. Irene and Kathy called, also Linda came up after supper and stayed all night.

Friday, May 19, 1961

Cold and gray. I made a fire in the kitchen stove. Billie got a nice lot of the big smelts last night. Today did my regular Saturday work. Cooked, churned, cleaned up the house, baked beans. Billie finished his fencing. Got a very pretty fence out there.

Saturday, May 20, 1961

Betty shopping for graduation. Well, had a great time today, was in Lewiston and Auburn today. Betty, Dawn and I went over there shopping. Betty got her dress and clothes for graduation. I got some also. Today Billie traded cows again. Bill finished up at the Portland Transmission Plant today. Mike came home with us.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

May 13 - 16, 1961 Mary Lorraine Wolfe is Born!!

Saturday, May 13, 1961

A nice day. At last. After a spring of quite cloudy and rainy and cold weather today it cleared off and it has been so hot. It sure is good. Betty worked at Mrs. Parker’s. I cooked. Mr. Benway came to see Bill to work for the town. Billie hauled bedding and some hay from Raymonds. Betty and Irene down to Dawn’s in p.m. Kennard up, he and I picked some greens. Billie went smelting with Art and (?) Pete. Art and family called.

Sunday, May 14, 1961

HOT HOT. Kennie, Dot, Fern, Lloyd, Aunt Ava and Uncle Lewis. Bob and Blanche and Kennard all called. Rosalie and kids called. Betty horseback riding all afternoon. She is so happy. I took a pie over to Uncle Lewis.

Monday, May 15, 1961 Lewis Keen’s birthday

Another one of those nice days. It got cooler in late p.m. I did a very big wash. Billie is home for a weeks vacation. He helped Chet to fence today. Dawn and George called today. Irene and children. Linda up here tonight. Bill hired out with Mr. Benway to work for the town of BRIDGTON. He begins work next Monday. Betty got a nice graduation gift from Fern and Lloyd.

Tuesday, May 16, 1961

Mary Lorraine Wolfe born tonight at 11:08 in Beaumont Texas. Today it was cloudy with showers at supper time. Tonight we had a bad thunder shower. I cleaned the downstairs bathroom and hallway. Also ceiling in kitchen. Billie and the lamb Jumper fenced all day. Betty didn’t get home till late, up to Irene’s. Delores called, Kennard sick.