Friday, October 20, 1978 NEW CAR, PARTY
A nice day. I went down to Betty’s, we cleaned up her whole house in good shape getting ready for Kimmy’s party she is having tonight. In late PM Betty to Ripley and Fletcher’s to get her new car. A very nice LTD in excellent condition. It is a very pretty car. Betty is very pleased with it. Also Carmen to her friends house getting ready for the homecoming parade etc. Kimmy had a nice party, birthday, tonight for her friend, Gwen Garland. She had 3 other friends and had a nice time.
Saturday, October 21, 1978
A very nice sunny mild day. I cleaned up the house. Zak watched TV programs until 1:30. Bill worked at Walt’s. Billie did some fall jobs, went with Lawrence in PM. Zak out with Billie a while. Walt called and Zak went home with him. There was a supper at the Grange Hall in Harrison for the benefit of NEW HOPE FARM. Walt and Zak went. Betty over there all day working. Kim and Carmen to the ballgames in PM. Kim had to help out at the school for their supper and entertainment. Carmen over to the supper.
Sunday, October 22, 1978 Cow and Calf
A nice sunny day. Bill worked at Walt’s. Billie done odds and end jobs. I done my regular work. Tonight the calf, little Hereford and Brocklehead cow went to market. Billie traded for a all white Durham steer. We called at Fern’s in evening. She is depressed and in pain from bowel trouble. Went to the hospital for x-rays on her ribs. Had two enemas while she was there. I went for a ride with Betty and girls in the new car. Very nice.