The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Monday, May 31, 2021

October 20 - 22, 1978 New Car


Friday, October 20, 1978 NEW CAR, PARTY


A nice day. I went down to Betty’s, we cleaned up her whole house in good shape getting ready for Kimmy’s party she is having tonight. In late PM Betty to Ripley and Fletcher’s to get her new car. A very nice LTD in excellent condition. It is a very pretty car. Betty is very pleased with it. Also Carmen to her friends house getting ready for the homecoming parade etc. Kimmy had a nice party, birthday, tonight for her friend, Gwen Garland. She had 3 other friends and had a nice time.




 Saturday, October 21, 1978


A very nice sunny mild day. I cleaned up the house. Zak watched TV programs until 1:30. Bill worked at Walt’s. Billie did some fall jobs, went with Lawrence in PM. Zak out with Billie a while. Walt called and Zak went home with him. There was a supper at the Grange Hall in Harrison for the benefit of NEW HOPE FARM. Walt and Zak went. Betty over there all day working. Kim and Carmen to the ballgames in PM. Kim had to help out at the school for their supper and entertainment. Carmen over to the supper.



 Sunday, October 22, 1978 Cow and Calf


A nice sunny day. Bill worked at Walt’s. Billie done odds and end jobs. I done my regular work. Tonight the calf, little Hereford and Brocklehead cow went to market. Billie traded for a all white Durham steer. We called at Fern’s in evening. She is depressed and in pain from bowel trouble. Went to the hospital for x-rays on her ribs. Had two enemas while she was there. I went for a ride with Betty and girls in the new car. Very nice.



Sunday, May 30, 2021

October 16 - 19, 1978


Monday, October 16, 1978 A VERY HEAVY FROST


This morning there has been a very heavy Frost. First real heavy one for the season. Cold all day. I done my regular work, down to Betty’s. Came home, done a small wash. Also Betty’s wash down there. Well has more water.




Tuesday, October 17, 1978


A beautiful day. I have been very busy all day getting ready for company tomorrow. Bill up to the shelter today helping. Betty got the room ready to set the stove up.




Wednesday, October 18, 1978 Es, Fern and Cliff up for supper


It has been a nice sunny day. I got my regular work done than I got the lemon pie finished, got the turkey in to cook, made bread, washed floor, took a bath. They came about 11. Fern and Esther. Cliff came at supper time. Vince called a little while. He brought Esther’s mail over and a very pretty anniversary card for Bill and I. Kimmy home from school sick. Carmen at a rescue practice in Naples tonight. Betty and Walt looking for a car today.




Thursday, October 19, 1978


To town. I did my shopping and Betty’s. Came home, took her things down and got mine put away. I did a wash, made a salmon loaf, a pie etc. Betty up to shelter this PM. They dug Dawn’s well.



Saturday, May 29, 2021

October 12 - 15, 1978


Thursday, October 12, 1978 KIM TO PORTLAND TEETH


It has been mostly cloudy all day, but no rain. I done my work, down to Betty’s to stay with Zak while he was waiting for the bus. Betty took Kimmy to Portland to the orthodontist. I came home, went to town with Susan then went back to Betty’s but we didn’t get much cleaning done. Betty’s well went dry today.




Friday, October 13, 1978


Today I worked at Betty’s. We done dining room, rest of the porch and the kitchen. Bill worked out in the barn digging up the floor. Tonight Carmen went to a (blank) meeting to get ready for the homecoming parade.




Saturday, October 14, 1978


It has been raining good today. I hope it will help in the wells. I done my regular Saturday work. Bill worked at Walt’s a little while. I went down town with Betty for a short time. Not very cold.




Sunday, October 15, 1978


It has cleared off, we had quite a nice rain yesterday. I washed this morning. I cooked a chicken dinner and got clothes in and done ironing. Also other jobs.




Friday, May 28, 2021

October 8 - 11, 1978 Milan and Betty Left

Sunday, October 8, 1978 MILAN AND BETTY LEFT


A nice day but very cold. I did a lot of work today. Cleaned up the house etc. Milan and Betty left about 5 AM to go back home. They had a very nice visit this week. Billie done a lot of outside work. In PM we went over to Joy’s and helped her kill her hens. Back up there in evening and saw the movie films of everyone. They were very good.




Monday, October 9, 1978


I did a big wash. Went down to Betty’s to start her housecleaning. Got the kids rooms clean. Kids home from school in observance of Columbus Day. Walt home early, he worked in his barn. Cold.


Carmen and Fifi





Tuesday, October 10, 1978 orders


A quite nice day. I done my ironing early, went down to Betty’s. Finished her upstairs and done her bedroom. Bill worked in the barn at Walt’s. I sent orders.




Wednesday, October 11, 1978 Barn well went dry tonight


A quite nice day. Need rain very bad. The barn well went dry tonight. I went down to Betty’s, we cleaned her halls, bathroom and den and living room. Billie worked on the old barn floor.



Thursday, May 27, 2021

October 4 -7, 1978 Bill has bowel exam

Wednesday, October 4, 1978


Fair today. Leaves are pretty. Milan and Betty over to Fryeburg to Sadie’s for the day. She saw her brother and his wife. Bill on the hungry side.




Thursday, October 5, 1978 BILL TO PORTLAND


A cloudy day. It cleared up some in PM. Betty Crook and I went and got some things for Betty’s birthday. Came home, got ready and went to Portland. Bill, Betty S and me. Dorothea came up and got us. Bill went for a bowel examination, very thorough. Dr. removed a pollock (She means polyp) from the bowels. We didn’t get home till 9:30. While Bill was having that done Betty, Dorothea and I went touring over the city places where Betty worked and lived. Milan took Delores to town. Milan and Betty over to see Lloyd and went to see Kippoy and Sue but they want at home.




Friday, October 6, 1978 Betty Cox Smith 59 today


We had quite a nice rain. Betty, Joy and kids all went to the fair. They had a good time, it didn’t rain hard all day. In PM we had a birthday for Betty. All family.




Saturday, October 7, 1978


A quite nice day, some cloudiness. Done work, made bread and cake. Betty and I walked up to the shelter, Dawn’s and Delores’s. Came home, got supper. It got quite cold. Milan and Billie hauled the picnic table, swing etc. down and put into the shed for winter.