The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

June 28 - July 1, 1992


Sunday, June 28, 1992


A quite nice day. A lot of showers went around us today, none here. Carmen and children called today. A bundle of joy. Zack called in for a while. Didn’t see Betty all day. Walt up for coffee. I wrote to Esther today. We sat on the porch today.




Monday, June 29, 1992


Well, it was another nice hay day. I did a washing. A few other things. Carmen, son and daughter came. Kim came and took Billie to his doctor for eyes and throat. Dorothea took Betty Smith to her doctor for her eye. She has got to go for a operation. Betty cleaned out her house today, came up here and got the supper. Good one as usual. Zack back to work again. This p.m. Betty brought me up another desk to use on the porch. Carmen and her two children came twice today. I love seeing them. Brogan and Cameron are the best. Tom and Kim up to camp for a few days and nights.




Tuesday, June 30, 1992


I did up the work. A nice sunny day, real mild. Carmen and children called at Betty’s and here again. I did an ironing this p.m. Jeff Smith and Ellen called, made us a nice long visit. Betty been very busy all day. They came up here and got the supper. Carmen and kids came in p.m.




Wednesday, July 1, 1992


Well Betty came and cleaned up. She and I went to Norway. I bought two chairs for the back porch. Reed chairs. Betty mowed her lawns, came up here and got the supper. Carmen came and left Cameron while they went down to get megabucks tickets. Arnold mowing, doing the trimming at Betty’s.




Friday, February 21, 2025

June 24 - 27, 1992 Baby Cameron Comes Home


Wednesday, June 24, 1992


Betty and Bro over to see mom and Cameron today. Carmen still has pain. Zack in to see Carmen and Cameron tonight. Also Walt. I didn’t do much today.




Thursday, June 25, 1992


I didn’t do much. I did a wash. A few odd jobs. Watched shows in p.m. Carmen called tonight on the phone. I heard Cameron. They were in SM hospital. Dorothea came to get supper, it was very good. Betty was the one who got the supper. Very good as usual. A quite mixed up. She had a lot of nice flowers. Tom, Kim, Betty S, Walt, Zack, Brogan all there to see her today.




Friday, June 26, 1992


A coolish day. Sun came out in early p.m. I got ready and went to Norway to Stephens Memorial Hospital to see Carmen and her son Cameron. It was so good to see him and her. Carmen was quite good. Brogan went, she loves her baby brother. Betty had to go to her doctor for her back when she got home. Dorothea came and got the supper. A good one. I took a bath.




Saturday, June 27, 1992


 Cloudy most all day. Well today Carmen returned home from Stephens Memorial Hospital with her son Cameron Alexander Crook Horton. He was born at 3:25 PM on June 23. He weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. A perfect shaped child, dark hair and dark eyes. He has come to live with his sister Brogan Alyssa Horton age 5 years. I was up there when he arrived. Arnold and Nick brought them home. Tom and Kim out on their vacation, played golf today. They are enjoying themselves very much.



Thursday, February 20, 2025



Sunday, June 21, 1992 Father’s Day


Cloudy and kind of foggy. A dreary day. I wrote a letter to Esther. Also a anniversary card to Kim and Tom. Didn’t get out on the porch. During the heavy rain it leaked again. I called Barry. He will be over to fix it. Not many folks here today. Carmen and Brogan here. Carmen still okay. Walt called for coffee this morning. Zack came up today also.




Monday, June 22, 1992 Kim and Tom married one year, ZACK ON A NEW JOB


I didn’t do much. Betty, Carmen came and Brogan. Today Zack started a new job at Cummings Dowell Mill at Norway. He liked it he said. I sure hope he stays with it. Tom and Kim called, they were going out to lunch for their one-year anniversary. Carmen and Kim came. Carmen had a very uncomfortable day, at about eight she was having pain and the water broke. So Betty called Dorothea and they went over to the hospital to be with her. Arnold had taken her over. They stayed all night. Carmen was in such pain.




Tuesday, June 23, 1992 Cameron Alexander Crook Horton 7 lbs. 4 oz.


At 3:25 PM at Stephens Memorial Hospital Cameron Alexander Crook Horton was born. His grandmother, grandfather and sister, although his great aunt Dorothea, great-grandmother ‘Nanny Crook’, also a very close friend of his family, Arnold Smith were all there. A very welcome member came into this family today. We all love him. He will see his great uncle Bill in a few days. His aunt Kimberly Horton Harriman was there and took some pictures. We all love him very much. His mother has been a very sick girl for two days. We are so glad it is over. But we love what we got. A beautiful boy.


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

June 18 - 20, 1992 Sad RED LETTER DAY


Thursday, June 18, 1992 RED LETTER DAY


After many many many years one landmark is missing here on this place today. As we looked down the backfield something was gone. The old old lonely apple tree was there no more. No doubt it had been there for well over 100 years. We will miss it a lot. I’m sorry it has gone. Also Brogan came up here driving her grandmother’s lawnmower tractor. She was so pleased and proud to be doing it. First time. Betty had a client at the office this morning. Also Carmen will have one this p.m. Zac is up to Boston today in regards to his profession. He was going to go to Nona Smith. Walter took him to meet the bus in Portland to go. I wish him the very best of luck. Tom’s stepdaughter came home today. She was found by the police.




Friday, June 19, 1992


A quite nice day. On the very mild side. I got up early and got my work done up. I then took my bath. Dorothea came at about 10 AM. She and I went down to the Bridgton Healthcare Center to see Dot. She was very glad to see us. Had a very nice visit. It is a very nice place inside and out. After being there it would not be a bad place to go to. We came home. Dorothea stopped at the store and got me some things. We went up over the ridge to the Ring Farm (Walter and Mabel Morrison place originally the Orrin Plummers lived in one side of the place). Came home, watched my TV shows. Dorothea came, got the supper. Carmen and kids called tonight. Arnold also picked up some odds and ends Billie gave him. Zac up here today, he may be going to Cummings Dowell Mill to work.




Saturday, June 20, 1992


A partly cloudy day. Not too hot. I did the washing. Dorothea came, she swept, dusted, washed the floors, cleaned up good. It looks very good. In the meantime we went up to see the new baby’s bedroom. Very pretty. Also we saw where Brogan’s room is going to be. Dorothea went home a while they came back, got supper. Very good. Betty and Carmen to Lewiston and they got the TV for Billie to give Dorothea for all the paperwork she does for him, manicuring also. She was very pleased. David up for coffee and donuts. Zack up in p.m. He will go to work Monday at Cummings Dowell Mill at Norway.


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

June 15 - 17, 1992


Monday, June 15, 1992


A quite nice day, not so hot. Billie up early to get ready to go to Dr. Reed in Portland for his eyes. Dorothea took him. I was alone which was good. I did my wash. Got a chicken ready for supper. Betty got the supper tonight. Charlene called in after supper. Carmen to her doctor, the boy is okay and a regular birth is expected. She has lost more weight.




Tuesday, June 16, 1992


A nice day. I’ve been doing some odd jobs today. Betty came up and got the supper tonight, very good one. They moved the chickens this morning. It seems good to start the week. It is lonesome and boring Saturday and Sunday. We have callers off and on. Those are two days a week I dread. We watched programs in p.m. Carmen is getting quite big now. Hard for her to get around. Betty worked up to camp today. Billie still having eye and hear problems.




Wednesday, June 17, 1992


A nice hot day. They did hay at David’s. Zack went up and help. I didn’t do much. I read in the old diaries to see if I could find out when Bill went up to the New England Baptist Hospital. Carmen came and got the grocery list and went and done the groceries. Then she came and got the supper. Susan called in late p.m. to visit. Zack ate supper here tonight. Carmen cooked some swordfish. They liked it very much. Betty up and played her tape of the new business they are opening up where the shelter used to be. Kassie to the vets again. She has a eye problem now. Tom’s stepdaughter is missing.