The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

January 29 - February 2, 1958

Wednesday, January 29, 1958

Snow snow and more snow. Ironed in a.m. Bill over to Blanche’s. Billie up to Chets and downtown. Raymond got stuck in snow bank.

Thursday, January 30, 1958

Another stormy day. Very pretty riding over to Norway this morning with Blanche. Came home, churned, cleaned up the house. Bill worked for Hayd today. Kay up here tonight first time for a long time.

Friday, January 31, 1958

Sun came out today. A very nice warm day. I did work, read papers in p.m. Bill worked for Hayd today. Billie worked for Raymond. In evening I went down to Ferns. Today U.S. sent up first satellite, it was successful.

Saturday, February 1, 1958

Another nice day. Billie still working for Raymond. Bill worked for Hayd. I did some cooking. Betty snowshoed down in woods. In evening Billie went away. Kennard and Dolores called, they came up from Portland.

Sunday, February 2, 1958

A very nice day. Had Ken and Dolores down for dinner. Betty to church with Dawn. Billie and Bill down to Lloyd's. Bill and I downtown in p.m. Billie with Dennis in p.m. Betty to movies with Holly in p.m. I wrote to Es and family. Cliff at Carlton’s and Phyllis this weekend.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

January 24 - 28, 1958

Friday, January 24, 1958

A very nice day. I did up the regular work. Read all the papers. Television went out black today. In p.m. went down and watched Ferns.

Saturday, January 25, 1958

A cloudy and rainy day. Bill didn’t work. Billie up to Chet’s and over to Raymonds. Betty to movies. Dawn and Blanche called. Betty got another bird. Bill and I to town in p.m. Box came from D and D.

Sunday, January 26, 1958

Another cloudy rainy day. Did up the work. Betty and Dawn to church. I went over to Aunt Linnie’s, they had open house for her birthday. Bob, Blanche, Fern and family called. Had a very nice party for Aunt Linnie.

Monday, January 27, 1958

Cloudy and rainy. I washed. Bill over to Blanche's to paint. In evening Billie and I called at Aunt Ava’s and Uncle Lewis’s.

Tuesday, January 28, 1958

Snow last night and today. Rain also. I cooked, got clothes and dried them mostly inside. In p.m. Billie and I up to Blanche to see how the rooms look she and Bill are painting. Called at Ferns too. Bill and I called at Hayd’s in the evening.

Friday, January 29, 2016

January 19 - 23, 1958

Sunday, January 19, 1958
Sun today, first time for five days. Bill worked at Ferns, finished up. I didn’t do much. Fern’s rooms looks so darn nice. Very pretty.

Monday, January 20, 1958

A nice day, awful cold and windy. I washed. In the mail we got a letter from Dorothea and Dennis. They are going to become PARENTS. We are all pleased to become grandparents, Uncle and Aunt. To town in p.m., sent Milan’s money. Called at Ferns. Betty came home happy about exams. Billie bought two pigs.

Tuesday, January 21, 1958

Cloudy. I cooked, done up the work. Dawn Parks here most of day. Billie sold pig to Lawrence $37.50. He worked for Lawrence Boynton too. Bill to Hiram with Hayd. Bill will go back to work for Hayd in a day or two. I ironed. COW BRED December 30.

Wednesday, January 22, 1958

Rained. I wrote letters. Betty home early from school. Betty did okay on midyear exams. I sent snaps to Dorothea. In evening I called on Rayburn and Joan. Betty to movies.

Thursday, January 23, 1958

I cleaned up the whole house. Raymond called, also Hayd. A nice warm day. Windy. Billie worked at Chet’s.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

January 15 - 18, 1958

Wednesday, January 15, 1958

A big storm again this morning. Bill and I down to Ferns and worked in her dining room. A bad blizzard. Betty and Randy Harmon walked home in it.

Thursday, January 16, 1958

A very heavy rain. It has settled the snow. Bill and I finished up the papering at Ferns. Bill to East Waterford with Hayd. Betty had two exams. She was going to stay at Dawn’s. Bill had her come home. It made her so unhappy. Aunt Ava’s dog got lost but found.

Friday, January 17, 1958

Cloudy, rained some. Evelyn and Gail called. Bill worked down to Ferns again today. Billie shoveled off camp roofs today. Betty finished up her midyear exams, very unhappy. I cooked and churned. Betty to movies. Wayne Chadbourne married tonight.

Saturday, January 18, 1958

Another cloudy day. Snow flurries all day. Bill worked at Ferns. Billie, Delores and I went to town. Betty went down to Ferns through the woods on snowshoes. Betty cleaned out her birds.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

January 10 - 14, 1958

Friday, January 10, 1958

A fair day, sunny but cold. Evelyn Ridlon here all day. I churned in p.m. Kennard called. Billie got a haircut. Bill Kimball called today, he brought Billie’s roan heifer.

Saturday, January 11, 1958 A Nice Day

Bill down to Hayd’s working. And a.m. Billie and I went to town and paid light bill, telephone also got grain and grocery, got Bill some pills. Betty home all day. I cooked a little in p.m. Billie up to Chet’s.

Sunday, January 12, 1958

A nice day. Billie helped Dennis, also they and (?) Hand Flint went up to Waterford. Bill and Lloyd hauled out rest of wood. Billie made ice cream. Ken, Delores, Fern, Lloyd, Os, Bob and Raymond called. Betty with Holly and Steve went to movies. Quite cold in a.m. and late p.m.

Monday, January 13, 1958

A nice day. Not too cold. Bill worked for Hayd again. Billie took me to town early this morning. We went to bank. I came home, washed. Made cookies. Billie worked for Chet today. Heifer went today. Bill Kimball and father got her.

Tuesday, January 14, 1958

Ken and Dolores went to Portland today to get an apartment. Kennard has a job with Guy Chadbourne at a gas station. Kennard begins work tomorrow. I have churned, ironed etc. today. Billie helped Raymond haul bedding. Ken and Dolores called in evening.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

January 5 - 9, 1958

Sunday January 5, 1958

Clear and cold, not quite as cold. Did regular work. Kennard called. I wrote letters. Called on Fern in late p.m. Betty up skating.

Monday, January 6, 1958

Not so cold, cloudy. Bill and Ilan gone to Portsmouth New Hampshire to see about work. I washed. Kennie called this a.m. Billie not feeling too good. Bill and Ilan didn’t get home until four. Bill and I called on Pete (?) McAllister

Tuesday, January 7, 1958

Cloudy. I churned, ironed, went to town and over to Aunt Linnie’s in p.m. It began to snow about dark. Bad storm in Boston in p.m. Got to Portland about five. Betty up to Dawn’s for supper. Billie went up after her.

Wednesday, January 8, 1958

A lot of snow came last night. It drifted from winds. Bill and Billie shoveled all day. No school. I didn’t do much. Betty up to Dawn’s in p.m.

Thursday, January 9, 1958

A nice clear day. Cold in early morning. I done up the work. I went down to Ferns and spent the day. Billie shoveled some snow for Lloyd. Bill worked for Hayd today. Betty up to Parks tonight.