Sunday, July 24, 1955
Very nice cool day. Picked over and froze 15 boxes of Swiss
chard green. Got dinner and did up regular work. In p.m. Dorothea, Billie and I
went over to see Mr. Carlson. Mama and Billie took Dorothea back to Conants.
Aunt Ava and Uncle Lewis called in evening.
Monday, July 25, 1955
I washed. Canned 11 pints of corn. Did up the regular work.
Betty down to Kail’s for the day. Flecks called in the evening.
Tuesday, July 26, 1955
Very hot today. K Fleck here for the day. I ironed, done up
the work. The Jersey had a black bull calf this morning. Bill, Betty, Mama,
Donnie and I rode down through So. B. last night and up over the ridge home.
Wednesday, July 27, 1955
Did regular work. Hot.
Thursday, July 28, 1955
Did regular work. Hot.
Friday, July 29, 1955
Washed and ironed.
Saturday, July 30, 1955
Nice day. Went to town shopping.
Sunday, July 31, 1955
Milan’s folks came today. Raymond called in the evening.