The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Saturday, December 31, 2016

January 12 - 15, 1961

Friday, January 12, 1962

Not so cold. I done up the work. Betty still in bed, wasn’t at all good this morning. Better in p.m. Dawn and her mother called in p.m. I took a bath, to town in evening.

Saturday, January 13, 1962

A nice day, warmer. I churned, done up my work, talked with Fern on the phone. Made rolls, Apple pie. Betty up and dressed today. Billie got Chet’s truck, hauled rubbish off to dump and the Christmas tree. Bill and I to town, he got some (?) pills (?) for Ranger. Jeannie Davis called in p.m. Betty to town in eve.

Saturday, January 14, 1962

Didn’t get up very early. Done up the work. Got early supper. Kennie and Dot called. In evening Bill, Betty and I at Ferns in evening. Betty kind of down today.

Monday, January 15, 1962

A very bad rainstorm. Highways in very bad shape. Bill had to work in evening. I did Ferns washed, also mine. Betty’s check came $182.60. We sent snaps off today. Now Betty is talking Ohio. She packed some of her things away today.

Friday, December 30, 2016

January 8 - 11, 1962

Monday, January 8, 1962 Billie Deming went home from hospital today

Fern got a call from Esther today. Cloudy in a.m., cleared off in p.m. Nice and warm all day. I went to town with Lloyd, took Betty’s suit to cleaners. Got her some nylons. Betty has been so happy today, getting ready to go to Portland tonight with Bessie. She looked very attractive when she went. Lida Brackett took her down to Bessie’s house. They went to the YWCA at open house where Rowena is staying. Betty enjoyed her evening very much. Bill lame. Mama not good.

Tuesday, January 9, 1962

A nice day, got cool in p.m. I churned, done up the housework, got clothes in and ironed. Lloyd called. Aunt Ava called. Lloyd brought Mama a birdfeeder. Betty not too cheerful.

Wednesday, January 10, 1962 Letter from Mike

Cold. I didn’t have much to do, been busy all day getting supper to going so to have it on the table when Bill and Billie get home so to keep them quiet. Betty sick. Mama not good. Lloyd called. Letter from Mike.

Thursday, January 11, 1962

Cold cold cold. I cleaned up the whole house. Betty and Mama about the same. Billie and I called at Ferns last night. Billie got us some ice cream bars tonight. Betty put a puzzle together.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

January 4 - 7, 1962

Thursday, January 4, 1962

I made two pies, washed all the floors. In evening Billie and I over to Aunt Ava’s in the evening to call. She gave me some calendars. Bill and Betty watched TV. Mama still not very good. She went to bed early. Betty still very happy. What a relief. I don’t know what was wrong with Mike.

Friday, January 5, 1962

I done up regular work. I was busy all day. I didn’t go to town tonight. Betty home all evening.

Saturday, January 6, 1962

Betty and I worked on snap shot albums. I made a cake and some corn balls. Betty home all evening. A bad day, snow, sleet and rain. Billie took me to town. I paid Stella Cole for paper. Bill had to work in evening.

Sunday, January 7, 1962 stormy

Betty looked at her encyclopedias Mike sent to her. Billie shoveled snow. Norman Smith called. Kennie and Dot called. Billie went to garage with car. Bill called to work at 3 AM. It cleared off in late p.m. Bill worked till 2 PM.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

January 1 -3, 1962

Monday, January 1, 1962

Nice clear cold day and windy. I was very late getting my washing done. Bill and Billie home. Blanche came over to watch Rose Bowl parade on TV. Mama fell down. Bill and Billie had quite a job to get her up again. Fern, Lloyd, Kennie and Dot called today. Bill, Betty and I called at Ferns. Uncle Os not too good. Mama not too good either.

Tuesday, January 2, 1962 MIKE CALLED

Very cold. Tonight Betty got a call from Mike. First time she had heard from him since before Christmas. It was while Billie and I were at Ferns he called. She called us right up.  Mike is in Fort Lewis, Washington. He told her she would get a letter from him tomorrow. Also the good news about coming out there with him.

Wednesday, January 3, 1962 Letter came from Mike
Betty got her letter from Mike today.  She began packing. It was the first time she has heard from him since December 5. I churned, cooked etc. Mama didn’t feel too good.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

December 30 -31, 1961 Good-bye 1961

Saturday, December 30, 1961 William Crook Sr.’s birthday

A nice day, on the cool side. Esther and family left for home. Susan hated to go. Kennard went as far as Bruds with them. Bill had the whole day off. Don’t go to work until Tuesday. Our cute ‘kitty’ died this p.m. We loved him. Betty feels so awful bad. We will miss him an awful lot. He was so cute.

Sunday, December 31, 1961

A nice day. Not much to write about. Brud and Nona, Jeff called, Kennie and Dot, Art Ward and baby. Got dinner, watched TV. Delores came home. Esther called us this a.m. Billie in hospital with pneumonia.

 This has been a big year as far as Betty is concerned. She finished up her career of schooling. Graduated in June 8, 1961 at Bridgton Town Hall. Mike, our son-in-law, graduated from Edward Little High June 7, 1961. Mike joined the United States Army. Betty had a horse. In October Betty and Mike were married October 5, 1961 at home at 8 o’clock in evening. Susan here from Ohio for a long visit in the summer. Also Norma Gay, Esther and family here for Christmas. Billie Deming had pneumonia. On February 6 this year our cousin Raymond Samuel Allen died suddenly. Billie found him. We miss him very much. Next year we are expecting Dorothea and family home. The end of 1961. Our never to be forgotten Dr. Nash left in May this year.

Monday, December 26, 2016

December 26 - 29, 1961

Tuesday, December 26, 1961

Bill home sick. A nice day, warm. I washed. Churned. No word from Mike to Betty, was sick at heart. I feel so sorry for her. Hope she hears tomorrow. I got the dining room cleaned up and the Christmas tree out. In p.m. Susan, Billie and I to town and to Naples. Esther here for supper.

Wednesday, December 27, 1961

Fair and warm. Bill still home sick. We finished cleaning up the house. Betty waited on Bill. In late p.m. Esther, Cliff and Billie came up for supper. Billie and Betty got the hens back down to the tie up. We had steak cooked outside. Brud called in evening. Got the clothes in. Cleaned up from Christmas. No word from Mike. Hope we hear tomorrow.

Thursday, December 28, 1961

Bill up and to work this morning. Didn’t feel very good. Billie worked at Chet’s. I cleaned up the house. Susan having a good time helping Billie at the barn doing chores etc. No word from MIKE.

Friday, December 29, 1961

A nice day. Cooked roast pork for supper. Esther and family here. Kennie and Dot, Bob and Blanche came to bid them goodbye. Bill and I to town. Betty went down to do some shopping. Susan went with us. Esther, Cliff and Billie spent the evening. Billie Crook worked at Chet’s. Fern, Es, Cliff and Billie down to Herman and Frances’s. No word from Mike. May hear tomorrow I hope.