Saturday, May 31, 1947
Finished cleaning the front bedroom. Papa over his foot
swollen badly.
Sunday, June 1, 1947
Cooked. Blanche over, we washed. I cleaned some in the
sitting room. Billie worked for Lloyd and Raymond.
Monday, June 2, 1947
We finished the sitting room, it looked good. Bill got ready
for chicks.
Tuesday, June 3, 1947
A terrible rain. Papa taken sick, they took him to the
hospital down here. Didn’t know as he would live. I stayed down to the hospital
with Blanche till midnight. Began to sell milk to (?).
Wednesday, June 4, 1947
Nice day. We called Esther today and Milan a telegram about
Papa. He was quite sick tonight. I finished cleaning dining room.
Thursday, June 5, 1947
Washed, cleaned the shed. Cold and windy. Down to hospital
to see Papa, his heart quite weak and worse tonight. Chicks came 101. Billie
sold his veal calves.
Friday, June 6, 1947
Hot today. Ironed most all day. Cleaned kitchen ceiling.
Down to hospital. Papa still very sick and out of his head. Swelling gone down.