The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

August 21 - 24, 1992


Friday, August 21, 1992


A nice sunny morning came in this morning. Esther up early and cooking pies and cookies. David came for coffee. Well today Esther, Susan and Billie met at the hospital with Kathy Wohlenberg and had a good talk. It was such good news. Esther don’t have to use her money and Susan gets to keep the trailer. So now Esther can make her plans for a home and get settled. Betty here, Carmen and children. Also Tom called in from coming back from the brook with the dog Shelley. Carmen had to work tonight. Bro and Betty played croquet today.




Saturday, August 22, 1992


And another nice sunny day. It is so nice having these sunny days. Well Esther made cookies and a pineapple pie. I was out on the porch all day. Zak here also Betty, friend and the children. Cameron is getting to be such a cute thing, now laughs and baby talks. Zak up in evening with Brogan and Cameron. Carmen and friend Arnold out all day to celebrate his birthday. I’m glad she got a chance. Zak hooked up my new phone. Dorothea cleaned all day. David came for coffee.










Sunday, August 23, 1992


Another nice day, hard to believe. Walt up for coffee. No one here this whole long day. Tom dropped in for a few minutes, he and his dog had been down to the brook. Also Betty and Walt, dogs, turkeys and Bro all down in the woods for a walk. They called in evening. Was glad to see someone. Saturday and Sunday are long ones. Carmen worked again tonight.




Monday, August 24, 1992


Well a very nice day. Very warm. I didn’t do much. Esther down town with Betty S and Dorothea. They went to see Cliff and Steve. Verna called here today. Well Cliff about the same. Esther had a good supper. Dorothea here this evening, done Billie’s nails and papers. Betty called this evening. Also Carmen brought up some albums and Cameron too. Carm worked again tonight.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

August 18 - 20, 1992 Betty Smith's Birthday


Tuesday, August 18, 1992 Betty Smith 73rd birthday


We had her up for a birthday gathering tonight. Dorothea, Betty, Kim, David, Walt, Tom and Billie and Brogan and me. She had nice gifts from everyone. Cake and ice cream. Betty is still lame with gout. She cleaned up the house, wrapped the gifts, got the boiled dinner to going. Arnold stayed home, took care of Cameron. Carmen had to work. David down for coffee. I did a washing.




Wednesday, August 19, 1992


Betty Smith and Dorothea to the doctors in Portland for her eyes. Doing very well. Esther busy today, made cookies. I cooked a corn beef dinner, cabbage etc. Very good. Betty and Walt up here. Esther to the hospital, Cliff is better today. Susan called and got Esther is morning. Monica came in late p.m. Sun out most of the day. It sure was good seeing that. Quite mild until late p.m. then it got colder.




Thursday, August 20, 1992


A much better day, quite a lot of sunshine. Shower in the p.m. Then got much cooler in evening, quite mild in the day. Betty Smith to Portland with Dorothea in late p.m. for her eye check up. She is doing quite well. Doctors said Cliff better today. Esther made cookies. I done my pots and pans. Nice and sunny when we got up. We done up the work. Arnold brought Cameron up till Carmen got home from work about 7 AM. The Sullivans called today. They enjoyed their visit.



Friday, March 7, 2025

August 14 - 17, 1992 Cliff Back From Rehab to Hospital


Friday, August 14, 1992 Nick back to Jacksonbrook


Cliff came home from the New England Rehab Hospital in Portland today. He came to the hospital here in Bridgton. Not very good. Also today Arnold took Nick, his son, back to Jacksonbrook Institute. I love the boy and feel so sorry for him. Billie and I are going through a cold. Betty has been here today. Carmen and Dorothea brought us a delicious turkey pie. Esther, Billie, Jane and Susan down to see the Cliff when he came home.



Saturday, August 15, 1992


Another cold rainy day, it rained hard almost all of the forenoon. It let up after a while. A dite of sun came out for just a part of a minute. Cloudy rest of the day. It was a dite warm. Dorothea came and cleaned up, washed floors, done a very good job. She got a good supper. Esther was down to the hospital with Billie, Susan and Jane. Then they came back here for a while. She wants to think over what she wants to do for herself.




Sunday, August 16, 1992


What a long dreary miserable day. Walt up for coffee and Zak came up later for coffee. Then Esther got ready to go to the hospital with Billie to see Cliff. Carmen called me and said Cliff wasn’t very good, and getting weaker, breathing not at all good.




Monday, August 17, 1992


No news. Another one of those miserable days as usual. Cloudy, gray showers and just a dite of sun. No more. Can’t say we did anything, just sat. Billie D came, got Esther, they went to the hospital. Cliff not good at all. Later on Susan called and Carmen and children.


Thursday, March 6, 2025

August 10 - 13, 1992 Cliff to Rehab


Monday, August 10, 1992


We did the washing today. Done up regular work. Esther down to the hospital. She got the supper. Everyone is worried and shook up about Cliff. Esther don’t know what to do or which way to turn. She has got a lot of decisions to make. It was cloudy until late this forenoon.




Tuesday, August 11, 1992


It was foggy when we got up but it cleared away and was very hot most of the day. They went to the hospital to see the doctor about Cliff. He has just the same, no improvement at all.




Wednesday, August 12, 1992


Cliff was transferred to the rehab hospital in Portland today. For how long no one knows. I feel very sorry for him. Esther, Dorothea and Billie are the ones who went with him. He went in the ambulance. I have the young one while his mother did the shopping. Carmen working tonight for the first time since before the baby was born.




Thursday, August 13, 1992


A partly cloudy day, some sun in forenoon. Done up work and I washed. Dorothea to Portland to take Betty down for her eye operation. Took Esther to see Cliff. He isn’t at all good. He is in serious shape. Can’t swallow or eat. Very helpless. Billie D went with them. Betty came through her eye operation very well. I’ll be glad when it is healed up and I hope she will be okay. Carmen, Betty and Brogan here all p.m. This morning about 6:45 Arnold brought Cameron up here to stay until Carmen came and got him. Walt and Betty’s lift for home today. (?).


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

August 7 - 9, 1992 Nanny's Birthday


Friday, August 7, 1992


A very nice day, on the hot muggy side. We done the work. Dorothea came and cleaned up the house. Esther was busy, then she got ready and went to the hospital with Billie to see the doctor. Didn’t see him. Then later Brud came and Esther rode down with him to see Cliff. Not much change. Dorothea went down and got her. Carmen, Betty and kids went to Norway this p.m. Brogan brought her turkeys for us to see this morning. Billie D and Jane were coming to supper but they didn’t so Betty and Walt came. Cliff the same. Brud here in p.m.




Saturday, August 8, 1992 ALTHEA GREEN SMITH CROOK 82 years


A cloudy day. Cliff about the same. It was quite a nice warm day. Cliff can move his foot and arm. Esther gone to the hospital. Cliff didn’t speak. Moves his feet. Carmen and children came for a minute. Betty over to get Zak. He was here for a minute. Susan was here. I washed my hair. Esther over to Susan’s for supper. Betty, Zak and Arnold got the building ready to move.




Sunday, August 9, 1992 RAIN RAIN


Well it was a very rainy day. Yet we had a very very nice birthday party. Moved the house. Billie fell. They cooked two turkeys, and green string beans, cukes, salad, home typed bread, stuffing etc. I had a very very beautiful birthday cake and most delicious brownies. Such a very nice meal. Esther and I didn’t have to do anything. Delicious it all was. Walt, Betty, David, Dorothea, Billie, Esther, Susan, Joy, Cindy, Betty Smith, Carmen, Kim, Zak, Tom, Arnold, Chris, Monica, Nick, BJ, Brogan, Cameron and me. They gifts were many and very nice. Money, telephone, candy, dress, powers, colognes, calendars, hair dryer, refrigerator boxes. Beautiful cards.