Saturday, January 27, 1945
Cold. Shoveled snow. Bill and Billie. Billie went to show.
Bill down and got groceries. I went up to Minnie’s a few minutes after supper.
Sunday, January 28, 1945
Very nice and warm. Papa’s house broke into. He is still in
hospital. Kinnie and Dot down to see him much better. Dolores, Kennard, Bob and
Joy, Kin and Dot called.
Monday, January 29, 1945
Washed. A lot of snow fell and the snow drifted. Not so
cold. Bill went back to work.
Tuesday, January 30, 1945
Bill didn’t work. Very windy and cold.
Wednesday, January 31, 1945
Bill and I went to town on business. Bill went back to work.
Esther sent us a picture of Dorothea very nice. 8° below this morning.
Thursday, February 1, 1945
We washed. A very cold windy day. Did regular work. No word
from papa (?) yet since Sunday.
Friday, February 2, 1945
Churned. Did regular work. Cold and windy. Dorothea and I
went up to Minnie’s in eve. Rayburn came up and stayed all night. Papa got to
stay in hospital a month longer.