Saturday, October 26, 1946
Nice day. Aunt Ava churned. We made some molasses cookies
and pies.
Sunday, October 27, 1946
Nice day. Bill did plowing, thrashed some beans. Aunt Ava
and Uncle Lewis went to Yarmouth, will leave about Wednesday for Florida.
Monday, October 28, 1946
We washed, warm. Mama taken sick about noon. Billie and Bob
went coon hunting. Bill over to Ernest Holden’s.
Tuesday, October 29, 1946
Mama little better. I ironed. Very warm today and hot
tonight. Light showers. Jean got another letter from home today.
Wednesday, October 30, 1946
Cloudy. Blanche called. I began to clean. Rained in p.m.
Bill and I went to town in p.m. Paid our bills. We got our sugar today.
Carlton, Bob and Raymond called in p.m.
Thursday, October 31, 1946
Nice day. I cleaned Billie and Dorothea’s bedrooms. Wind
blowed hard in p.m. Ed Robbins brought cow up. Fern, Lloyd, and Jack called in
Friday, November 1, 1946
Very nice day, cooler. I finished cleaning upstairs shed
chamber and got all my curtains up. Jack very sick this afternoon in M. G. H.
Being operated on for appendicitis. Bill home hunting with Milan.