The blog posts below are taken from my grandmother's diaries. Althea Green Smith Crook was lovingly referred to as Nanny to her immediate family ~ thus her diaries are called Nanny's Diaries.

Nanny wrote in her diaries when she remembered to - mostly in the evening. There will be some years in which she didn't keep diaries and there will also be some days/weeks in her yearly diaries in which she skipped or forgot to write in them. For the most part, these are her words - written as she wrote them. There will be typos, forgotten punctuation, and other grammatical errors - but I am rewriting these as my Nanny originally wrote them.

As with all old handwriting, there are some entries that I can't quite make out - and these entries will be followed with a (?) to signify that this may or may not be correct or I can't figure out what she is trying to write.

Thank you Nanny for leaving us 50 years worth of memories! We miss you!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

February 6 - 11, 1955

Sunday, February 6, 1955

Cloudy, light snow. Done up the work. Blanche and Joy called in eve. Betty went to Sunday school today.

Monday, February 7, 1955

Very nice warm day. Washed and ironed. Billie sold his veal calf today. Billie also worked for Lawrence today.

Tuesday, February 8, 1955

Very nice day again. Donnie out on the porch in p.m. I read the book Dale Evans wrote Angel Unaware.

Wednesday, February 9, 1955

Nice day. I cooked some. Cleaned up a little and cleaned the living room furniture and deep freezer with the vacuum cleaner.

Thursday, February 10, 1955

Very nice warm springlike day. Aunt Ava and Uncle Lewis over for the day. Mama’s eyes feel tired.

Friday, February 11, 1955

Billie and I washed windows on outside and the storm windows too. Rained all afternoon. Raymond called. Mama didn’t feel very good. I washed kitchen curtains too. Evelyn called.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

January 30 - February 5, 1955

Sunday, January 30, 1955

Did regular work. Got dinner late in p.m.

Monday, January 31, 1955

Washed. It began to be cold.

Tuesday, February 1, 1955

Very cold. I done some ironing. Aunt Ava called a little while. She got the scales and mittens Mama gave her.

Wednesday, February 2, 1955

Still awful cold below 15. Billie helped Raymond. Kennard called.

Thursday, February 3, 1955

17° below, awful cold all day. Kennard called. Billie helped Raymond again today. Began to get warmer tonight. Wayne left for the service of the US. My check came.

Friday, February 4, 1955

Warmer. Billie worked for Lawrence. I went to town with Evelyn R. in p.m. Cashed my check, sent D. $30 for school use. Nice day.

Saturday, February 5, 1955

Nice day, went to town. Also went down to Ferns for a little while.

Friday, May 29, 2015

January 25- 29, 1955

Tuesday, January 25, 1955

I cleaned up the house. And ironed. Cloudy.

Wednesday, January 26, 1955

Fair today. I wrote to Dorothea and helped Mama make out an order for Lane Bryant.

Thursday, January 27, 1955

Fair after snowing in the night. It is windy and a very cold afternoon. Bill gone to Massachusetts to the clinic. Billie and Wayne gone downtown in p.m. Mama sent in order to Lane Bryant. Wayne here for supper.

Friday, January 28, 1955

Still cold all day. Bill got home about 3:45 PM. Same report. Billie over to Raymond’s this afternoon.

Saturday, January 29, 1955

Downtown, got groceries. Came home and cooked, had supper early.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

January 19 - 24, 1955

Wednesday, January 19, 1955

Fern and Esther called in a.m. Carlton and Phyllis came. Nice day. Rosalie’s baby got terribly burned today, took her down here to hospital.

Thursday, January 20, 1955

Another nice day but also cold. Delores, Carlton, Phyllis, Aunt Ava called in p.m. Esther, Cliff and Susan came back in p.m. from Ferns. In evening all the folks called and bid the Deming’s goodbye. Rose baby had to go back to the hospital today, because it was sick.

Friday, January 21, 1955

Cliff and I went to town in a.m. Came home had lunch than the Deming’s packed and left about 12:30 for Stoneham  at Brud and Verna’s. On their way home will go to Milan’s Tuesday.

Saturday, January 22, 1955

Snow flurries. Went to town in a.m. came home, did up the housework. Bill worked in p.m. Kail here all day with Betty. Dr. Hershey dehorned the jersey  and brindle. Carlton and Phyllis bot Delores a new refrigerator.

Sunday, January 23, 1955

Snowed some today. Betty went to Sunday school. She and Bill went fishing. Bob called.

Monday, January 24, 1955

Washed. Nice and warm. The telephone company put in the dial phone today.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

January 13 (again!) - 18, 1955

(Nanny was using a 1954 diary in 1955 and the date/day of the week change screwed her all up for the first couple of weeks - until she got into a rhythm with the new book - thus we have a few journal entry errors. I'm not really sure what happened on what day!) 

Friday, January 13, 1955 

Very nice day. Cliff, Es, Susan and I called at Dorothy Prescotts. Susan went down to school at noon and visited with Betty. Es and Cliff up to Aunt Ava’s for afternoon and supper. Billie worked.

Friday, January 14

Es, Cliff and Susan went to Brunswick for the day. Billie didn’t work. I washed and cooked.

Saturday, January 15, 1955

Es, Cliff, Susan and I to town in a.m. In p.m. Es and family went down to Ferns. Bill went fishing. Aloha up here all day.

Sunday, January 16, 1955

Nice day, Mama sick. Bill helped Bob to tow his car. Billie and Dennis hauled bedding. I wrote letters etc.

Monday, January 17, 1955

I washed. Kind of cloudy. Billie didn’t work. Cliff and I went downtown in p.m.

Tuesday, January 18, 1955

I ironed. Cleaned up the house.